Relatively new to the world of herbalism and alternative healing, Rori is constantly seeking out comforting naturopathic remedies and recipes.
When she's not crafting projects in the kitchen, she most likely has her head stuck in a book. Her craving for knowledge and the Mysteries keep her on her toes.
Click here to read more about Rori's beginnings.
Favorite Essential Oil: Cardamom
Favorite Herb: Mandrake (Mandragora)
Quite the newbie in the entirety of natural healing, Indigo first became drawn to the study of herbalism and shamanistic practices after living with a Native Californian tribe.
Indigo hopes that these chronicles will perhaps inspire any ambitious person looking into the art of wildcrafting as well as help her progress as an amateur herbalist.
Favorite Essential Oil: "Lavender! Most definitely lavender. As someone who get's worked up far too easy, this soothes my soul."
Favorite Herb: "I tend to use a lot of oregano in cooking, but I would love to have fields of mint growing in my yard someday. Nothing like a sweet mint tea at the end of the day."