Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cleansing Your Crystalline Children

Back from a LONG hiatus, my dears. I do hope that you're all still with me!

Anyway, although we seem to blog about plants and herbal remedies for the most part here on The Wildcraft Chronicles, we mustn't overlook the power of crystals.

Crystals and rocks are not merely decoration to admire, though they certainly are mesmerizing to look at. They are the children of the earth, and they have been listening to us patiently for millions of years. We can share our deepest desires, our fears, and sorrows with these crystalline beings. It’s no wonder we develop interest in them at such a young age. I’m sure, you and I alike, took to collecting these pretty rocks as children, knowing they were capable of much, much more than just being.

With that said, it’s best to take care of these beaming children, in hopes that they can bring us comfort and protection. So how exactly does one “care” for a stone? It’s simpler than you think.

Cleansing your stones is an easy process practiced in a multitude of ways. You ought clean them upon acquiring, whether it be a gift, a find, or a personal purchase. In any other case, do as you wish as often as you like.

If you choose to smudge your stones, you may do so with a bundle of sage, sweet grass, palo santo, or any other cleansing herb you see fit for the deed. Upon lighting the bundle, I usually wash the smoke over the stone while visualizing it’s specific purpose, to which I choose.This is also called “programming” your stone. For example, the sole purpose to which I program my fluorite wand is for the healing touch.  By whispering your intentions to your crystalline child, you not only clear it of it’s previously energy, but it wholly becomes connected to you, an extension of your magick. 

Other ways to cleanse stones includes submerging them in water (be it fresh or moon water), submerging them in a bowl of salt, leaving them to the surrender of the sun (though be weary! some stones may not be placed in direct sunlight for loss of color), leaving them under the gaze of the full moon, placing them in a velvet bag with either a smokey quartz or a citrine cluster (both are self cleansing), or burying them in the earth for three days.

Well, I hope this guide helped. My crystalline children have been crooning for the attention. And whoever said stones can’t talk is most certainly wrong; we must hush our own voices to hear the children of below.

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All photography copyrighted to Rori Healy & Indigo Peters, unless otherwise stated.

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